Bus routes from Turin to Grenoble

from $43.99

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Our buses are equipped with large and comfortable seats, a toilet, Wi-Fi and power outlets.
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Bus stations and stops in Turin

Please note: your ticket will contain the most up-to-date address information.

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Frequently asked questions

There are 4 rides daily from Turin to Grenoble. The fastest bus on this connection has 1 stop(s).
You can get from Turin to Grenoble for as little as $52.99. On average, tickets for this connection cost $80.99.
The quickest bus trip from Turin to Grenoble takes 3 hours 10 minutes.
The bus route from Turin to Grenoble covers 233 km. FlixBus can bring you from Turin to Grenoble in 3 hours 10 minutes.
You can book your bus ticket for FlixBus from as little as $52.99. You can buy your ticket most easily on our website or in the app. Book in time to get the best price.
You can track your bus location on our Real-Time Bus Tracker. Just select the relevant bus stop and check the time of arrival. Find out where your bus is and check if there are delays on the route.
You can buy your bus ticket from Turin to Grenoble choosing your preferred payment method among card, Paypal, Google Pay, and more!

Find the cheapest buses from Turin to Grenoble

Getting from Turin to Grenoble is cheap and easy when you travel with FlixBus. The two cities are 233 km apart and traveling between the two takes as little as 3 hours 10 minutes.

FlixBus tickets are always good value, but you can save even more money by booking online in advance. Book on the website or with our FlixBus App in minutes, then simply use your phone as your ticket to board the bus.

Bus tickets between Turinand Grenoble cost $80.99 on average, but you can get tickets for as low as $52.99 if you book in advance and/or outside of busy travel times, like weekends and holidays. For a quick, easy, and environmentally-conscious choice, travel with FlixBus.

We have a large network, so you can trust us to take you from your desired departure city to your destination in comfort and style - all for a great value.

Traveling from Turin to Grenoble

It’s easy to get from Turin to Grenoble with FlixBus, with 4 direct buses per day.

The journey from Turin to Grenoble has only one stop in between and it can take a minimum time of 3 hours 10 minutes.

Bus travel is the most environmentally friendly way to travel long distances and we’re working to make it even greener with high environmental standards across our fleet of buses, the use of alternative drive and fuel technologies, and the option for all passengers to offset their carbon emissions at the point of buying a ticket.

The average cost of bus travel between Turin and Grenoble is $80.99, which makes bus travel far cheaper than any other method.

Taking the bus from Turin

Traveling from Turin and not familiar with it? Here’s everything you need to know.
Turin is a transport hub with 5 bus stations; the 157 buses departing every day take travelers to cities across the country

Arriving in Grenoble

Traveling to Grenoble for the first time? Here’s what you need to know:
Grenoble is very well connected to other destinations on the FlixBus network. The city is connected to 105 other destinations that you can easily reach by bus. You can find 4 FlixBus stops in the city.

What to expect onboard the FlixBus bus from Turin to Grenoble

Getting from Turin to Grenoble aboard a FlixBus bus means traveling in comfort and style, with all the services you need to keep you occupied. Most of our buses include free Wi-Fi onboard, an entertainment system, toilets and power outlets.

You can bring one carry-on and one check-in piece of luggage per passenger, so even if you’re taking a long trip, you don’t need to worry about traveling light.

All ticket holders are guaranteed a seat on our buses but if you want to reserve a seat, you can do so at the time of booking. Choose from a classic seat, table seat, panorama seat or extra seat.
Just book online or on our FlixBus App when purchasing your ticket using any of our available payment methods.

Onboard services are subject to availability